Winchester 231 Smokeless Gun Powder 8lb
Did you notice something about this load data? All of these loads use the same exact charge weight! So I can actually change over cartridges and not even have to mess with the powder measure! This brings a whole new meaning to “standard loads”. This kind of “Sweet setup” may or may not work out for you- you’ll have to make sure your autoloaders are “happy” with the bullet weights and charge weights used, but in my experience these loads work really well.
One powder, 4 different cartridges, and one charge weight. That’s handy! I just hope I don’t run out of W231/HP-38.
Winchester 231 Smokeless Gun Powder 8lb
Being able to use a single powder for multiple applications is a great benefit. This standardization can allow you to keep your powder measure loaded with the same powder, make bulk powder purchases more equitable, and generally make your life easier. One great example for pistol loaders is Winchester W231 and Hodgdon HP-38 (the same powder branded differently). I have used this powder for many different cartridges and load levels- it meters great, is super-versatile, and is a great bulk-buy in 8 lb canisters.
Winchester 231 Smokeless Gun Powder 8lb
To show you just how versatile this powder is, I wanted to share some load data with you all for some of my “standard loads” (non-magnum). like my Hodgon’s titegroup. Great burning powder and uses less than other powders.Very good ball powder for various calibers. I have found that unique is good powder for different calipers.
.45, .40
There’s nothing not to like about W231/HP38. Meters beautifully, shoots clean and accurately. What’s not to like? I load 4.3 grains of 231 under a 165 gr. 40 load and just squeak in over the 125 pf floor for IDPA. That’s shooting an M&P Full size, so if somebody was shooting a 5″ competition gun, they’d get a few extra fps out of it and easily make pf. It’s a VERY soft and reasonably accurate load. I did have to put in a reduced power recoil spring (13#) to get it to cycle. Runs like a champ now though.
Winchester 231 Powder
Quantity : 8 Pound
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